How to Use Dates as Daily Substitutes

Dates, Dates, the magical fruit! Dates are a versatile fruit that can be added to numerous recipes that you consume daily. In fact, they are actually an excellent substitute for a lot of your less healthy treats. Today, we are going to give you just a few ideas about how you can pop more Dates into your diet.

Good Morning!
We all need our morning wake-up call, but drinking coffee, energy drinks, and other highly caffeinated beverages can bring an afternoon slump and leave a lasting impact on your health. Dates are a great source of energy, despite having 0mg of caffeine! They provide energy by contributing to the metabolism process in your body that converts food into energy. They are like an all natural alarm clock!

Oh, Sugar!
Dates are nature’s candy! Their caramel taste makes them a delicious snack to curb your sweet tooth, as well as a great substitute to your usual sweetener! Try adding Date syrup to your tea, desserts, or even drizzled over your breakfast. (Speaking of breakfast, have you tried our banana date muffin recipe?!)

Potty Break!
Dates are high in fiber (among other nutrients) and are a great way to get your bowels moving! Using laxatives can be dangerous to your body and have future negative impacts on your health. On the other hand, Dates are completely natural and healthy. If you’re having digestive issues, try eating a few dates to get things up and going again!

Get Baked!
Perhaps one of the most common and efficient ways to implement Dates into your diet is through baking. You can turn Dates into a paste or syrup for easy distribution, or swap one cup of sugar for one cup of whole, pitted dates as a substitute. Chopped Dates add flavor and texture to cookies, muffins, breads, and more! Our favorite way to bake with dates? Coachella’s Best medjool thumbprint cookies!

The benefits of dates are endless, and while they are a healthy alternative, they are also delicious! Give Coachella’s Best Dates a try at

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