Our Story

Hello There!
We're Coachella's Best!
Coachella’s Best Organic Dates™ are grown at our 100% organic farm located in the heart of Coachella Valley, the date mecca of the United States. Our hundred- acres of pristine palms, warm sunshine and dry desert climate creates the optimal conditions for our fruit to flourish. These delicious little superfruits are not only packed with flavor, but they are bursting with health benefits - making them the perfect addition to everyday meals or to grab as an on-the-go snack. Each and every date is hand selected for quality and perfection by our ranchers and palmeros. Our mission is simple, we’re here to give you the best darn dates you’ve ever had. So, from our date-obsessed family to yours...enjoy!
Our mission is to bring you the best darn dates you’ve ever had.
Grown with love at our Coachella Valley farm.
Date Farms in California
Date Palm Farm California
Date Farm Palm Springs, California
The Coachella Valley in Southern California is the Mecca of dates in the US. The warm, dry environment provides ideal conditions for tending date farms in California. At Coachella’s Best Dates, we tend an organic date palm farm and are proud to grow, well, the best dates.
Date palms grow best in warm environments, which is you’ll find many date farms in Southern California, Arizona, Florida, and especially the Middle East. While Florida is warm enough to grow dates, the humidity often makes them rot before they can even be harvested. This makes a dry climate even more necessary for growing. Dates have been a staple in the Middle East for thousands of years because of the arid climate. Arizona and Southern California posses similar climates.
Date farms in Palm Springs, California are an excellent place for growing dates and is home to 95 percent of dates grown in the US. We have worked hard to establish an entirely organic date farm that uses natural methods of insect control and fertilization. How have we done this? We have a flock of Dorper sheep that freely wander our orchards to eat unwanted insects and fertilize the soil. This keeps harmful, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides away from our healthy dates. We’re extremely proud of our date palm farm in California and the quality of dates that are produced. Our efforts ensure that our date palms grow in healthy soil, which ensure healthier palms and dates. You can be assured that healthy dates mean better tasting dates that provide more of the health benefits that you enjoy from eating dates.
Organic dates differ from traditionally grown dates because the use of synthetic fertilizers and insecticides can destroy nutrient-rich soil. When soil is robbed of its nutrients, palms lose out on minerals are helpful in the natural defense date palms have against pests and fungus. In turn, dates themselves do not receive the full amount of vitamins and minerals that they would normally get from an organic growth. This is why we strive to maintain our organic date farms in California.
If you’d like to learn more about date farms in California, particularly Coachella’s Best Dates, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. You can send us a message using our contact form or email us at info@coachellasbestdates.com. Follow our date orchards in California on social media @CoachellasBestDates and #coachellasbestdates.
We take great steps to ensure that our date palm farm in California is growing the most delicious dates around. Our date farm is home to our pristine palms that flourish in the beautiful, warm sunshine in our desert environment.