NEWLY ADDED Organic Date Sugar – Limited Supply!

Our Story

Hello There!

We're Coachella's Best!

Coachella’s Best Organic Dates™ are grown at our 100% organic farm located in the heart of Coachella Valley, the date mecca of the United States. Our hundred- acres of pristine palms, warm sunshine and dry desert climate creates the optimal conditions for our fruit to flourish. These delicious little superfruits are not only packed with flavor, but they are bursting with health benefits - making them the perfect addition to everyday meals or to grab as an on-the-go snack. Each and every date is hand selected for quality and perfection by our ranchers and palmeros. Our mission is simple, we’re here to give you the best darn dates you’ve ever had. So, from our date-obsessed family to yours...enjoy!

Our mission is to bring you the best darn dates you’ve ever had.

Grown with love at our Coachella Valley farm.


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