Benefits of Dates During Pregnancy

You may have heard everyone raving about these little nutrient-dense superfruits, especially for pregnancy and labor. Dates are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to both the mother and baby! Some of these amazing nutrients and their benefits include:

  • Magnesium 
  • In a regular serving (2 jumbo dates or 6 regular dates) there is about 20 mg of magnesium! Magnesium is critical for the development of your baby’s bones and teeth as well as assisting in your own muscular health. It helps to regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar which prevents complications such as preterm birth. It is also great for preventing and alleviating discomfort from muscle spasms and cramps.

  • Potassium 
  • Potassium also prevents muscle cramps and in a single serving of dates there is about 262 mg of it! Like magnesium, it helps to maintain blood pressure levels by offsetting the effects of sodium. This is because potassium is an electrolyte that assists in maintaining the balance between the salt and water in your body, which is essential if you are experiencing vomiting during the early stages of your pregnancy.

  • Iron
  • Dates are also a great source of iron, which is crucial to monitor because there is a higher risk of becoming anemic during pregnancy. A pregnant woman requires double the amount of iron than someone who is not pregnant. Insufficient iron can lead to complications such as postpartum depression and a preterm, underweight baby. Not only does iron help your red blood cells function properly but it also increases your metabolic processes and supports your baby’s immune system!

  • Folate
  • Folate is one of the most vital nutrients to consume during pregnancy, and dates are a great source! The CDC recommends that every woman of reproductive age should be taking a folic acid supplement. This is because it assists in the development of the baby’s spinal cord and prevents brain and spinal cord birth defects such as spina bifida and neural tube defects.

  • Fiber
  • The fiber found in dates is great for alleviating constipation. During pregnancy, the gastrointestinal tract is slowed down by hormones which leads to constipation. Fiber also helps you maintain a healthy body weight because they can be digested easily, reduce bad cholesterol levels, and keep you feeling full. By maintaining a healthy body weight, you lower the chances of health complications such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

  • Fructose & Natural Sugar
  • The combination of the natural sugars along with the fiber from dates provides the perfect source for energy. It equips you with long lasting energy without the crash that you get from caffeine and sugary snacks. This extra boost of energy and calories is essential when growing and caring for your baby.

    A healthy pregnancy is all about fueling your body with nutritious foods and maintaining a balanced diet. Dates not only provide your body with countless amazing benefits but also make a delicious, sweet snack to satisfy those cravings. Check out our Recipes to discover different ways that you can incorporate dates into your everyday routine!

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