NEWLY ADDED Organic Date Sugar – Limited Supply!

Yellow Barhi Summer Salad

Our seasonal Organic Yellow Barhi Dates are the perfect way to add a fun and unique twist to a simple salad. This salad is not only quick to make, but can be the perfect side salad to any meal, or a meal in itself! It is loaded with nutritious ingredients from strawberries, to avocados, to walnuts, and most importantly our Organic Yellow Barhi Dates. These dates are only in season from August to September so try out this easy and delicious recipe as soon as you can! 



  1. Wash your Spinach Lettuce Mix and toss it into a large bowl
  2. Slice your Coachella’s Best Organic Yellow Barhi Dates in half, being sure to remove the pit. 
  3. Use a pan covered with approximately 2 tablespoons of olive oil to cook the dates on simmer until they are a golden brown, and add to lettuce mix
  4. Cut your desired amount of strawberries into halves, removing the leafy tops
  5. Sprinkle in walnuts 
  6. Cut your avocado in half, removing the pit and skin. Then, slice the avocado into smaller pieces and toss in the salad
  7. Drizzle olive oil on the top, and mix salad contents. Sprinkle some pepper over as a final touch. Enjoy!  
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