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Sautéed Yellow Barhi Dates with Garlic

Sautéed Yellow Barhi Dates with Garlic

This easy to make, Sauteed Yellow Barhi Dates with Garlic recipe is a quick and easy way to incorporate your Yellow Barhi Dates into a meal!  It is loaded with flavor, takes less than 15 minutes to make, and pairs with just about any dinner! We love how this recipe brings out new flavors in this date, and turns this sweet and tannin-tasting date into a savory dish! 


  • 2-4 cups of Coachella’s Best Organic Yellow Barhi Dates
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped
  • ½ cup chopped parsley
  • Salt, to taste


  1.   Slice your Coachella’s Best Organic Yellow Barhi dates in half and remove the seed.
  2.   Chop the garlic. We kept the pieces a little chunky but you can chop them to your preferred size.
  3.   Cover the bottom of a pan with olive oil (approximately 2 tablespoons)
  4.   Cook the garlic until fragrant and browned.
  5.   Toss the Yellow Barhi into the pan, occasionally stirring until golden brown.
  6.   Remove from the heat and pour into a serving bowl.
  7.   Finish off the dish by sprinkling the chopped parsley on top of the dates.
  8.   Enjoy!
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