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Yellow Barhi Parfait Recipe

Yellow Barhi Parfait

Yellow Barhi season is coming to an end, but you still have time to enjoy your dates! This quick and easy parfait is perfect for breakfast on the go, an afternoon snack, or a late night healthy treat! Here’s what you’ll need to make it:



  1. Make a slit, long ways (hotdog style), in all of your Organic Yellow Barhi Dates and remove the pits.
  2. Add your base of yogurt to a bowl.
  3. Top with a handful of each fruit, as well as any other desired toppings, such as granola.
  4. Add your Yellow Barhi Dates.
  5. Drizzle honey on top.

We hope you enjoy this fun and easy recipe for a Yellow Barhi Parfait just as much as we do! Make sure to share your recreation of this recipe and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @coachellasbestdates

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