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Cooking Dates vs Premium Dates

Cooking Dates vs Premium Dates! Do you know the difference? At Coachella’s Best Organic Dates, every date is hand selected to ensure that all dates meet our high standards. Our team of ranchers and palmeros practice the utmost care to plant, protect, and harvest our fruit in the optimal date growing environment. During the process of selecting which dates to package, every date is evaluated and categorized. 

Cooking Dates, or what we like to call our “Darn It Dates,” are not as pretty as the dates we typically ship in our high-end gift boxes, but “darn it,” they are just as delicious! Due to climate changes and other variables, some of our Medjool Dates get a little puffy during farming, which causes tears in their skin and other cosmetic imperfections. They may also have a darker color or be smaller in size. Some may assume that these imperfections mean the dates are of lower quality, but this is not the case. These imperfections are superficial and do not affect the flavor or nutritional value of the fruit.That is why we separate them out to use for cooking where flavor matters and looks don't.  

Just like our Coachella’s Best Organic Medjool Dates, our “Darn It” Medjools are naturally sweet with a maple-syrup-like flavor. They are still grown under the Coachella Valley sun and hand-picked by our farmers for you. Most importantly, they are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals and provide dozens of health benefits, making them a must-have in every kitchen. Whether you’re using them in your cooking, baking, or enjoying them as a snack, organic dates are a delicious and healthy choice for every kitchen. 

So why not try our “Darn It” Dates today? Share how you use your “Darn It” Dates with us on Instagram by tagging @coachellasbestdates! 

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