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Peach & Medjool Date Bellini

Is it happy hour yet? 

Celebrate the best time of the day with a sip of pure bliss! Our Peach & Medjool Date Bellini, made with Coachella’s Best “Darn It” Cooking Dates, is the perfect sweet treat! This drink is crafted to perfection, blending the natural sweetness of juicy peaches with the rich, caramel-like flavo of dates. Not only does our Peach & Medjool Date Bellini taste amazing, but it's also packed with natural goodness.

Whether you're relaxing with friends, unwinding after a long day, or simply craving a flavorful escape, our Peach & Medjool Date Bellini is the perfect companion for your happy hour adventures.



  1. Remove the pits from your Dates (Pro tip: you can use kitchen scissors to chop the Dates into smaller pieces) 
  2. Add the pitted Dates, frozen peaches, and Prosecco into a blender 
  3. Blend all together until smooth
  4. Pour into champagne glasses and garnish with fresh mint leaves 
  5. Cheers! 

Don’t forget to share your Peach & Medjool Date Bellini with us on Instagram @coachellasbestdates

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