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Medjool Date Salsa

Happy Cinco de Mayo! It’s time to fiesta!

Cinco de Mayo, which translates to "Fifth of May" in Spanish, is a holiday that celebrates the Mexican army's victory over France in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The battle took place during the Franco-Mexican War, and despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Mexican army successfully defended their country against the French. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, which is celebrated on September 16, but it has become a significant cultural celebration in Mexico and the United States, where it is often marked with parades, festivals, and traditional Mexican food and music. 

Our Medjool Date Salsa, made with Coachella’s Best “Darn It” Cooking Dates, is the perfect appetizer for your Cinco de Mayo celebration. The natural sweetness of the dates pairs perfectly with the tanginess of the tomatoes, making it a crowd-pleasing hit. So grab some chips, pour yourself a margarita, and let's celebrate Cinco de Mayo! 


  • 3 Coachella’s Best “Darn It” Cooking Dates (add more or less for desired sweetness!)
  • ½ cup of white onion, diced 
  • 1 ½ cups of grape or cherry tomatoes
  • ½ tsp of cumin 
  • ¾ tsp of salt 
  • ¼ cup of cilantro
  • 1 tbsp of jalapeño, finely chopped
  • 1 ½ tbsp of lime juice 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 1 tsp of chili powder 


  1. Remove the pits from your Dates and cut them up into pieces (Pro tip: Use kitchen scissors to cut quickly, so they blend easily)
  2. Combine all your ingredients in a food processor 
  3. Blend until desired consistency 
  4. Enjoy! 

Don’t forget to share your Medjool Date Salsa with us on Instagram by tagging us @coachellasbestdates!

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