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Health Benefits of Halawi Dates

Why you should incorporate Coachella’s Best Organic Halawi Dates into your diet

Chances are that when you think of dates, you think of Medjools. But what you may not know is that there are more than 200 date varieties you can choose from! At Coachella’s Best Organic Dates, we specialize in farming several date varieties, including the Halawi Date, which is what we’ll be focusing on today. Halawis are known for their sweet, buttery taste and rich amber coloring. Beyond its delicious flavor, this date has a huge amount of health benefits in its small package!

Substitute for Sugar

The Halawi Date gets its title from the Arabic word for “sweet”, and it definitely lives up to its name! These dates, with their chewy texture and amber color, resemble biting into a caramel. The difference is that the Halawi’s sweet flavor is all-natural, making it the perfect date to turn into a syrup, sweeten your smoothies, or bake into desserts. It’s also low in actual sugar content, making it a great option for those looking to cut back on their sugar intake.

Boost Your Metabolism

Halawi Dates have a high amount of catechins, a natural antioxidant that prevents diseases and increases metabolism. Catechins help prevent cell damage, aging, and weight gain. So if you’re looking to increase longevity, eating a handful of Halawi dates may just be your new secret weapon!

Fueled By Fiber

Much like Medjools, Halawi dates contain high fiber content, which can be beneficial for those with high cholesterol. Our dates contain antiatherogenic properties, which can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, in addition to improved digestion. Solid fiber intake can also keep you fueled for long periods of time, rather than having a sugar crash halfway through the day. 

These are just a handful of reasons to reach for our Organic Halawi Dates next time you’re craving a sweet treat without the guilt. Halawi Dates have been compared to pecan pie for their rich, sweet, buttery taste… so they’re the perfect to add to your fall favorites! To try our dates or learn more about our business, visit

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