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The Best Darn Charoset

Chag Pesach Sameach or Happy Passover! Passover is a time to revisit the struggles that the Jewish people faced while escaping Egypt. During the first two nights, they remember this time with a ceremonial meal called a Seder. During the Seder they eat Charoset (pronounced har-o-set) which is derived from the Hebrew word cheres meaning “clay.” The Charoset is symbolic of the mortar and brick that the Israelite slaves used to construct buildings for the Pharaoh.

This delicious Date Charoset is made with wholesome ingredients, no alcohol, and is perfect to add to your Seder plate this Passover. Here’s how you make it:


  • 13 Coachella’s Best Organic Medjool Dates (you can buy them in bulk HERE!)
  • 1 fuji apple
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • ½ cup honey roasted almonds (optional)
  • ¼ cup orange juice or Manischewitz wine
  • ½ tsp cinnamon powder
  • ¼ tsp ginger powder


  1. Cut your Coachella’s Best Organic Medjool Dates vertically and remove the pit.
  2. Soak your dates in hot water for about 5 minutes or until soft.
  3. As your dates are soaking, add the walnuts to the food processor or blender and blend until they are finely chopped.
  4. Add the chopped walnut to a separate bowl and set aside.
  5. Strain the water from the dates and add them to a food processor or blender.
  6. Add the orange juice into the food processor with the dates and blend into a paste (add more orange juice little by little if needed and scrape the sides as necessary).
  7. Set aside the date paste and wash, peel, and core the fuji apple.
  8. Chop the peeled and cored apple into small pieces and add to a mixing bowl.
  9. Add the date-orange juice paste over the apple pieces and sprinkle the cinnamon and ginger over the paste.
  10. Mix everything together well and place it on a seder plate or bowl.
  11. Chop up the honey-roasted almonds with a knife and add them on top for decoration as well as an extra tasty crunch!
  12. Enjoy!

We hope you enjoy The Best Darn Date Charoset just as much as we do! Make sure to share your recreation of this recipe and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @coachellasbestdates.
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