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Fourth of July Rocketsicles

Nothing says Fourth of July and summertime like red, white, and blue rocketpops! While these popsicles are the perfect way to cool down in the summer heat, they are typically packed with sugar and obscure ingredients. We want to share this amazing, dietitian approved, Rocketsicle recipe from @sammypetersonrd that will satisfy all those rocketpop cravings while fueling your body with our favorite secret ingredient...dates! 

Red Layer:

  • 1 Coachella’s Best Organic Jumbo Medjool Date (You can buy these here!)
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries
  • ¼ cup (4 tbsp) water

White Layer:

  • 2 tbsp pure maple syrup (can use honey or date syrup as a substitute)
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk

Blue Layer:

  • A few frozen blueberries (can use blackberries or 2 acai packets as a substitute)
  • ½ tsp blue spirulina sprinkles or powder
  • Remaining 4 oz of white layer


  • Popsicle Mold
  • Popsicle Sticks


  1. Begin with the Red Layer by blending:
    1. 1 Coachella’s Best Organic Jumbo Medjool Date (make sure to remove the pit!)
    2. 1 cup frozen raspberries
    3. ¼ cup water
  2. Add 1 tbsp of the Red Layer mix to each popsicle mold
  3. Put molds in the freezer for 30-40 minutes
  4. While the Red Layer is setting in the freezer, start on the White Layer 
  5. For the White Layer combine:
    1. 2 tbsp pure maple syrup
    2. 1 cup canned coconut milk (you can add some of the coconut cream along with the milk in order to add healthy fats)
  6. Add 2 tbsp of the White Layer to each popsicle mold on top of the frozen Red Layer (there should be 4 oz of mix leftover after doing this)
  7. Put molds back into the freezer for another 30-40 minutes
  8. While the White Layer is setting in the freezer, start on the Blue Layer
  9. For the Blue Layer blend:
    1. The leftover 4 oz of the white layer
    2. ½ tsp blue spirulina sprinkles or powder
    3. A few frozen blueberries
  10. Add 2 tbsp of the Blue Layer mix to each popsicle mold
  11. Add a popsicle stick to each popsicle mold
  12. Freeze the popsicle molds for a couple of hours until they are completely firm
  13. Remove the popsicles from the freezer and run under hot water for 10 seconds to help remove the popsicles form the mold.
  14. Enjoy!

We hope you enjoy this sweet summer treat as much as we do! Make sure to share your recreation of this recipe and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @coachellasbestdates.
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