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Date Power!

Today is Plant Power Day - a day to raise awareness about the benefits of plant-based, sustainable diets! Did you know that dates have a long history of sustainability, dating back thousands of years? Considered the oldest cultivated fruit in the world, dates have supported populations living in the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa for over 5,000 years and continue to this day to serve the region and beyond. Offering major health benefits and minimized environmental impact, these superfruits are excellent for people and for the planet!

What is a sustainable diet?

There are no set rules to define a sustainable diet, however, the term is used to describe a primarily plant-based diet that seeks to have a positive impact on the individual and the environment now, and in the future. Factors to consider in determining the sustainability of foods include the water usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation required to produce certain food items. Opting for a diet that includes more sustainable food items ensures that the planet has enough resources to support a healthy diet for future generations!

Dates in Your Diet

Rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, proteins, minerals, and vitamin B complex, orgnic dates are an excellent addition to all of our diets! Naturally sweet, dates are also the perfect substitute for refined sugars. Coachella’s Best Organic Dates are grown on a fully organic farm where we never use any harmful herbicides or pesticides, making these superfruits safe and healthy for the whole family as well as the environment! 

Environmental Footprint

Aside from its focus on healthier choices, sustainable eating also emphasizes the impact our diets have on the world around us. Dates are all-stars in this too! Extremely drought resistant, date palms require little water to produce fruits, conserving one of our most precious resources. These plants have even been found to go above and beyond in sustainability, absorbing heavy and toxic metals, such as lead, from the environment!

Though Plant Power Day is an excellent opportunity to focus on sustainability, mindful eating is important every day of the year. The future of our planet relies on the health of future populations and the environment around them. Take the time today to cook a plant-based meal, learn more about sustainable living, or check out our date-centered recipes to enjoy this environmentally friendly superfruit!
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