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Health benefits of dates in CA

Amazing Health Benefits of Dates You Should Know About

Amazing Health Benefits of Dates You Should Know About

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Dates have been around for thousands of years, but the health benefits of dates fruit are only beginning to scratch the surface. From helping with digestion to preventing the risk of cancer -- the health benefits of date palm fruit range far and wide and can play a big role in improving the vitality of your life. These wrinkly large looking raisins are jam packed with nutrients including, vitamin A, vitamin C and D, healthy carbs, and fiber. They can help your body regulate digestion, blood sugar, cholesterol and many more of the body’s natural processes. With all of the health benefits of dates, eating handful of them a day can be the beginning to living a healthier lifestyle.

The Health Benefits of Dates Fruit Are the Real Deal

The Health Benefits of Dates Fruit Are the Real Deal
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Treating various health conditions doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. It can be as simple as adding dates to your diet! The health benefits of dates helps with many common ailments we all suffer from, especially if you are dealing with stress, inflammation, diabetes, heart related health conditions -- to name a few. It might sound too good to be true but the dates nutrition facts and health benefits are the real deal. Date palm fruit has anticancer properties as well as anti-oxidative properties that promote brain function and prevent oxidative stress. Since dates have a low glycemic index, they're less likely to spike your blood sugar levels, which are key health benefits for people who are dealing with diabetes. The health benefits of dates fruit is the road to recovery your body could be looking for without breaking the bank.

Where to Find Organic Dates

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Coachella’s Best Organic dates are grown naturally to ensure that these nutritious treats are safe for both you and the planet. You can feel confident that you’re getting all of the health benefits of the date palm fruit, without having to worry about harmful pesticides or fertilizers. With the best growing environment the date fruits benefit health in more ways than one. Dates are a great source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Buying fresh and organic Dates improves the growth of good bacteria in the intestine and can prevent infections or even cancerous cells making the health benefits of dates second to none. These healthy treats are a wonderful way to maintain your wellness, especially when you know that these fruits are coming from the healthiest and purest growing environments in the Coachella Valley.
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